

  1. Portrait of Marianne Corr

    Marianne Corr

    Vice President and Robert K. Johnson General Counsel

  2. Portrait of Todd Dvorak

    Todd Dvorak

    Associate General Counsel

  3. Portrait of Tim Flanagan

    Timothy Flanagan

    Senior Associate General Counsel

  4. Portrait of Debbie Gabaree

    Deborah Gabaree

    Assistant General Counsel

  5. Portrait of Susan Galan

    Susan Galan

    Staff Attorney

  6. Portrait of Brian Guarraci

    Brian Guarraci

    Senior Associate General Counsel

  7. Portrait of Lauren Hanna

    Lauren Hanna

    University Counsel

  8. Portrait of John Lloyd

    John Lloyd

    Senior Associate General Counsel

  9. Portrait of Alisa Murphy

    Alisa Murphy

    Assistant General Counsel

  10. Portrait of Brandon Roach

    Brandon Roach

    Executive Associate General Counsel

  11. Portrait of Blake Sheeley

    Blake Sheeley

    Assistant General Counsel

Professional Staff

  1. Portrait of Abbey Bailey

    Abigail Bailey

    Project Coordinator

  2. Portrait of Kaci DeMaegd

    Kaci DeMaegd

    Litigation and Records Legal Professional

  3. Portrait of Mary Klemczewski

    Mary Klemczewski

    Executive Administrator

  4. Portrait of Brandy Rogers

    Brandy Rogers

    Systems & Operations Professional